4 Watt 868M / 915M CC1310 RF Power Amplifier module

Coral RF

4 Watt 433M /868M / 915M CC1310 RF Power Amplifier module

N539AS CC1310 RF Power Amplifier VHF UHF RF module designed for 433M, 868M and 915MHz band, the wireless module output power up to + 36 dBm, and sensitivity down to -112 dBm at 50 kbps. The wireless module's antenna interface is RF pin or ipex connecter. The hardware interface included UART. The wireless module support AT command and Arduino.

N539AS CC1310 RF power amplifier module integrated TI CC1310R transceiver chip, high power PA and LNA, suitable for 433M 868M and 915 MHz band. The wireless module support FSK modulation mode and Legacy Long Range mode. N539AS wireless module has + 36 dBm output power and down to -112 dBm sensitivity (rf rate at 50 kbps). The wireless module connected by Uart port. SMA antennas connectors for optional, RF pin or IPEX. The wireless module is very small size.

N539AS high power wireless module is designed with 4-layer board, with excellent impedance matching and anti-interference. The module is mainly for internet of things, intelligent home, wireless meter reading, scientific research and medical treatment, and medium and long-distance wireless communication equipment. N539AS module leads most pins out of CC1310 for secondary development. AT commands support.

N539AS CC1310 RF power amplifier module (CC1310) is suitable for free frequency band in EU and USA.

N539AS high power CC1310 Module Parameters

RF Interface




433M, 868M, 915MHz

Support ISM

Output Power

+36 dBm

The maximum power 4000 mW


-112 dBm


Symbol Rate

0.3 - 2000 kbps

Software programming control


+/-10 kHz


15000 m

In clear and open environment, the antenna gain is   

3 dBi, the height above the ground is 2.5 meters,

and the air speed is 1.2 kbps.

Hardware parameters



Module Size

36 x 24 x 3 mm


Antenna Interface

IPEX, stamp hole


Communication Interface


Software programming




Electrical Parameters





Emission Current


Instantaneous power consumption

Receiving Current



Sleep current


Software programming control

Working Temperature



high power CC1310 module package information

4 Watt 868M / 915M High Power CC1310 Uart Wireless Module package information



‍CC1310 SDK Download From TI

Ordering information

N539AS -433M     CC1310+PA+LNA             +36 dBm, 433Mhz-930Mhz

N539AS -868M     CC1310+PA+LNA             +36 dBm, 860Mhz-880Mhz

N539AS -915M     CC1310+PA+LNA             +36 dBm, 910Mhz-930Mhz

Range test of N539AS module

N539AS distance test adopts the USB to serial port module shown in the figure below:

The board is composed of USB to serial port backplane, module and antenna. It is connected with the computer through USB cable to send and receive test data and distance.

N539AS module secondary development method

The CC1310 module is stuck on the backplane as shown in the figure, and the IPEX is connected with the antenna. The burning port is connected with xds110 according to the silk screen printing, and then online simulation can be carried out to test the performance of the module.

Module Programming

The schematic diagram of the module base plate can be obtained from our official website.

Please contact us for specific programming information or download it from TI official website www.ti.com.

AT command

The default setting of the module is the wireless serial port code, support at commmand.

If need to use our code directly, please contact us for usage methods.
